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[cpc/cpa/cpm wadogo term (진영님 이메일)]

hasoffers를 통해 오퍼들은 revenue type에 따라 다음과 같이 분류됩니다.

- cpa_flat: RevenueType.CPA.value

- cpa_percentage : RevenueType.CPA.value

- cpa_both: RevenueType.CPA.vlaue

- cpc : RevenueType.CPC.value

- cpm: RevenueType.CPM.value 

따라서 click-install-open의 CPE 타입 오퍼와, click-install-open-additional action의 CPA 타입 오퍼가 위의 기준으로 어떻게 분류되는지에 대한 구체적인 안내가 필요합니다. 

=> 하기와 같이 Payout 타입으로 오퍼가 구분됩니다. 

     말씀하신 CPE(Click-install-open ) 의 경우는 인모비 Wadogo에서 CPA( Cost per Conversion )으로 생각하시면 됩니다.

     그 외의 CPA(click-install-open-additional action)는 경우에 따라서 CPS (Cost per sales) 혹은 CPA+CPS로 분류됩니다. 

     하지만, 현재 인모비 국내에서 집행하는 오퍼의 90% 이상은 CPA(Cost per Conversion = Click-install-open)로 진행되고 있음을 알려드립니다. 

Incent traffic

Incent traffic is when you promise something to a consumer in return for them filling out a lead or sale.

Incent traffic == reward

//Incent Traffic을 구분하는 파라미터 있는 지 없는 지 묻는 질문이 왔었다. wadogo에 없음.

CVR: 클릭 대비 다운로드 수


LTV Endpoitn and What LTV stands for

[07/02/2017, 9:44:41 PM] jake sangwon hwang: Senthi, what is LTV Endpoint?

[07/02/2017, 9:44:49 PM] jake sangwon hwang: What does LTV stand for?

[07/02/2017, 9:45:32 PM] Senthil Kumar G: LTV - Life Time Value

[07/02/2017, 9:46:04 PM] Senthil Kumar G: This is measured by the number of in-app events that is done by the user

[07/02/2017, 9:46:35 PM] Senthil Kumar G: For example if a user downloads an app and then plays several levels and even does in-app purchase then he is a high LTV user

[07/02/2017, 9:47:06 PM] Senthil Kumar G: If a user downloads the app and opens it only once he is a low value user

[07/02/2017, 9:46:35 PM] Senthil Kumar G: For example if a user downloads an app and then plays several levels and even does in-app purchase then he is a high LTV user

[07/02/2017, 9:47:06 PM] Senthil Kumar G: If a user downloads the app and opens it only once he is a low value user

[07/02/2017, 9:47:48 PM] Senthil Kumar G: Advertiser usually want high value users and to measure high value users we need to know about their app usage pattern

[07/02/2017, 9:48:07 PM] Senthil Kumar G: Any in-app event is sent to this endpoint called LTV or custom endpoint

[07/02/2017, 9:48:22 PM] Senthil Kumar G: We have 3 endpoints, download, custom and purchase endpoint


[organic:false/ Parameter "attributed"]

[03/02/2017, 2:36:38 PM] Jo Okawara: "organic" is the parameter which tells you if the CV is from InMobi ad network or from other ad networks

[03/02/2017, 2:37:14 PM] Jo Okawara: you know that we have special partnership with some of the major trackers

[03/02/2017, 2:37:21 PM] Jo Okawara: called MTAP

[03/02/2017, 2:38:11 PM] Jo Okawara: those MTAP partners have option of that sending us the CV records which are generated from other ad networks

[03/02/2017, 2:38:53 PM] Jo Okawara: usually, when an advertiser has a campaign, they run the campaign on multiple ad networks

[03/02/2017, 2:39:07 PM] Jo Okawara: not only InMobi ad network

[03/02/2017, 2:39:56 PM] Jo Okawara: if we get the CV record which is generated on other ad network, we can have the deviceID and property ID in the post back

[03/02/2017, 2:40:28 PM] Jo Okawara: so that we can store the data of which user(deviceID) has what app(propertyID)

[03/02/2017, 2:41:10 PM] Jo Okawara: and then we do not serve this campaign to the user who already installed the app (negative targeting)

[03/02/2017, 2:42:25 PM] Jo Okawara: so our campaign can be more effective, (not serve the campaign to the users who already has the app, even the app is downloaded via other ad networks)

[03/02/2017, 2:42:53 PM] Jo Okawara: "organic" tells you if the CV record is from InMobi or other ad networks

[03/02/2017, 2:43:10 PM] Jo Okawara: u  got it?

[03/02/2017, 3:27:21 PM] Jo Okawara: if you get the law data, the value is passed in "attributed" parameter

[03/02/2017, 3:27:48 PM] Jo Okawara: and "1" means InMobi and "0" means organic (other ad network)

[03/02/2017, 3:28:19 PM] Jo Okawara: Pankaj's CV check tool must be referring this parameter and value of the law post back data

non-organic install:  A non-organic install is when the company rewards the user for installing the app.

TransParency setting

RTB연동하에 TransParency setting은 DSP로 하여금 자신들의 광고가

어떤 매체로 송출되는 지 알 수 있도록 한다. 매체로부터 오는 ad-request에 매체에 대한 정보를 포함하는 것이다. 해당 정보는 App Store url and bundle(package ID)  and etc을 포함한다.


transparency means sharing the publisher details in the Ad request.

we will tell the DSP which is the App Store url and bundle etc.

What is Deep Link/invoke URLs


Typically, when a mobile user receives and clicks on some external marketing source (such as an email with a link to a particular product), the user is directed to the mobile website for the advertised product. However, a good portion of users that click on these ads already have the corresponding mobile app installed. So why not just send them straight to the advertised product inside the mobile app where everyone knows the user experience is a thousand times better and ultimately enhances user engagement and retention? Implementing deep link URLs, otherwise known as "invoke URLs", allows you to do just that.

Whereas Destination URLs redirect users to an app store to download your mobile app, you can implement deep link URLs to redirect already existing users straight into your mobile app itself. Therefore we strongly recommend setting up deep link URLs for your mobile app in addition to Destination URLs, to ensure that every single user receives the best experience possible be that directing them straight to the app store to download the app or directly into your mobile app since they already have your mobile app on their mobile device.

bid : 옥션 시스템이다. 광고의 단가가 변경되면서 움직인다. 즉 ad request를 받았을 때, ad pool에 담겨있는 광고들은 경쟁을 하고 가장 높은 값을 지불하는 광고(캠페인)이 낙찰되면서 단가가 결정.

eCPM은 'effective cost per mill이며 1,000번 노출당 금액을 의미한다.

모바일 CPI 광고 : Cost Per Install (CPI) 

용어정리 Dec/27/2016

SSP: A supply-side platform is a piece of software used to sell advertising in an automated fashion. SSPs are most often used by online publishers to help them sell display, video and mobile ads.

용어정리 Dec/26/2016

Epoch Time: Unix time (also known as POSIX time or Epoch time) is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds.

millisecond 타임이라고 생각해도 된다. Post Back cv data를 보면 시간단위가 millisecond로 되어있는데 이 시간을 Epoch Time이라고 한다.

변환하면 사람이 보는 시간을 알 수 있다.

Ex) 2016:12:26:07:17:43 INFO: [pool-1-thread-1:RawLog:99] - EventObject(propertyId=ec1e7f31fe584a95973b0774a3a4a5fb, impId=12262017_HwaHae_AOS_Test_02, goal=download, partner=appsflyer, time=1482736478782, terminated=NO, oldEndpoint=false, matchType=null, attributionContext=AttributionContext(ctawindow:0, inactivewindow:0, lastTimeSpent:0.0, organic:false, reattrwindow:0, vtawindow:0, attributionType:CLICK), argsList=null, extraArgs={eventTime=2016-12-26 07:14:38, userAgent=Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2; LG-F320S Build/KOT49I.F320S22a)}, customParam=null, inMobiDeviceIdList=[InMobiDeviceId(type:GPID, deviceId:DeviceId(value:cdd463f3-760c-4f43-bda9-ead22fa0afa8, mode:ACTIVE))]) 

1482736478782 변환하면 Mon Dec 26 2016 16:14:38 GMT+0900와 같은 실제 시간을 알 수 있다.

MRAID: Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions (API (Application Programming Interface))

X header - When a message is initially generated it should include standard headers such as From:, To:, Subject:, Date:, Message-ID. Other standard headers include Received:, Cc:, Bcc:, etc. In general X-header can refer to any non-standard header added during the sending of an email. X-headers can be added at any stage.

몇가지 종류의 x-header https://mobiforge.com/design-development/useful-x-headers

TPCP: Third Party Conversion Tracker

MTAP: Third Party Conversion Tracker(TPCT) 중 특정한 특정 프로그램 형태로 Inmobi와 파트너쉽을 맺은 트래커들은 MTAP이라고 함.

MTAP의 경우에는 우리에게 설정을 확인(만)할 수 있는 계정을 생성해준다. 그리고  OS별로 App ID/Package ID의 값을 따로 할당.

설정하기 나름이겠지만 AppsFlyer와 같은 경우에는 Tracking URL에 해당 App ID/Package ID를 포함시킨다. 다음 예와 같다.


App ID/Package ID

Tracking URL :

[iOS] https://app.appsflyer.com/id940056100?af_prt=emnet&pid=inmobi_int&click_id=$IMP_ID&idfa=$IDA

[Android] https://app.appsflyer.com/kr.co.company.hwahae?af_prt=emnet&pid=inmobi_int&click_id=$IMP_ID&sha1_android_id=$O1&advertising_id=$GPID

id940056100는 IOS의 ID, kr.co.company.hwaha는 AOS의 ID이다.

AppsFlyer의 경우에는 첫 화면에서 다음과 같이 설정할 수 있다.

용어정리 Dec/26/2016

video metric

video format supported


Rewarded, non-rewarded

Orientation Supported - 디바이에 따른 방향 전환



Video Experience


Video Optimization Method

Differences between prefetching and caching

Show Pre-Roll Confirmation and Show Post-Roll Confirmation

call back functions(https://answers.chartboost.com/hc/en-us/articles/201219505#interstitial)

// Called before a rewarded video will be displayed on the screen.

public boolean shouldDisplayRewardedVideo(String location)

// Called after a rewarded video has been displayed on the screen.

public void didDisplayRewardedVideo(String location)

// Called after a rewarded video has been loaded from the Chartboost API

// servers and cached locally.

public void didCacheRewardedVideo(String location)

// Called after a rewarded video has attempted to load from the Chartboost API

// servers but failed.

public void didFailToLoadRewardedVideo(String location, CBImpressionError error)

// Called after a rewarded video has been dismissed.

public void didDismissRewardedVideo(String location)

// Called after a rewarded video has been closed.

public void didCloseRewardedVideo(String location)

// Called after a rewarded video has been clicked.

public void didClickRewardedVideo(String location)

// Called after a rewarded video has been viewed completely and user is eligible for reward.

public void didCompleteRewardedVideo(String location, int reward)

// Implement to be notified of when a video will be displayed on the screen for 

// a given CBLocation. You can then do things like mute effects and sounds.

public void willDisplayVideo(String location)

Proguard : 안드로이드 코드 난독화 기능

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